We’re constantly working to enhance the accessibility of content on our website. Here are some tips to help improve your browsing experience:

If you have difficulty seeing web pages, the US Social Security Administration provides the following suggestions to optimize your computer and browser:

  1. Use text-to-speech features to read web pages aloud.
  2. Navigate screens using your keyboard.
  3. Increase text size.
  4. Magnify your screen.
  5. Adjust background and text colors.
  6. Make your mouse pointer more visible (Windows only).

For alternatives to mouse and keyboard, consider using speech recognition software like Dragon NaturallySpeaking, which allows you to control your computer through voice commands.

If you are deaf or hard of hearing, we offer several accessibility features:

  • Closed Captioning: This feature provides a text transcript of the audio track of videos, synced with the video and audio. Captions are displayed over the video, which is helpful in noisy environments and for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Most of our video content includes captions. Learn how to enable or disable captions on YouTube.
  • Volume Controls: Your device’s volume settings and the volume controls on each video or audio service can be adjusted to improve your listening experience. Try adjusting both to find the best setup for you.

If you need further assistance, please contact us at (805) 586-8185.

(805) 586 8185